About the show

“Human eyes tolerate neither sun, coitus, cadavers, nor obscurity, but with different reactions.”

Georges Bataille, L’anus solaire

Eduardo Secci gallery is pleased to present Security, a solo exhibit by the artist Tim Plamper, curated by Domenico de Chirico. The opening will take place on November 23, 2019 at 6:30pm at our main exhibition spaces in Piazza Goldoni 2, Florence, Italy.

The interdisciplinary nature of Tim Plamper’s practice originates from an interest in many fields of knowledge: from literature to anthropology, from philosophy to sociology, from art history to eroticism and transgression. An empirically-based theory that sees the human mind as the origin of all knowledge since it receives the stimuli of the outside world, and then organizes and expresses them via language, the exploration of physical experience and multifaceted nudity, including the hedonistic nuditas naturalis, the charitable nuditas temporalis, the innocent nuditas virtualis and the lustful nuditas criminalis, reconsidered beyond the symbolic garments between Eros and Thanatos, are all peculiar characteristics of Tim Plamper’s most recent works.

In the artist’s virtuous and meticulous drawings, nudity, permeated with “personal mystery” and aimed at revealing beauty, appears like a pit in which magnificence and cruelty are unspeakably intertwined, and where in the grey area the celebration of the rite of union between life and death takes place. It’s a great grotto, a luxurious orifice, warm and humid, scented both of life and death, in which aesthetic frenzy and the sublimation of form are ready to dance: emotional self-perfection and psychological defense mechanisms are lost.

“Human eyes tolerate neither sun, coitus, cadavers, nor obscurity, but with different reactions.”

Georges Bataille, L’anus solaire

Eduardo Secci gallery is pleased to present Security, a solo exhibit by the artist Tim Plamper, curated by Domenico de Chirico. The opening will take place on November 23, 2019 at 6:30pm at our main exhibition spaces in Piazza Goldoni 2, Florence, Italy.

The interdisciplinary nature of Tim Plamper’s practice originates from an interest in many fields of knowledge: from literature to anthropology, from philosophy to sociology, from art history to eroticism and transgression. An empirically-based theory that sees the human mind as the origin of all knowledge since it receives the stimuli of the outside world, and then organizes and expresses them via language, the exploration of physical experience and multifaceted nudity, including the hedonistic nuditas naturalis, the charitable nuditas temporalis, the innocent nuditas virtualis and the lustful nuditas criminalis, reconsidered beyond the symbolic garments between Eros and Thanatos, are all peculiar characteristics of Tim Plamper’s most recent works.

In the artist’s virtuous and meticulous drawings, nudity, permeated with “personal mystery” and aimed at revealing beauty, appears like a pit in which magnificence and cruelty are unspeakably intertwined, and where in the grey area the celebration of the rite of union between life and death takes place. It’s a great grotto, a luxurious orifice, warm and humid, scented both of life and death, in which aesthetic frenzy and the sublimation of form are ready to dance: emotional self-perfection and psychological defense mechanisms are lost.

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